The world is facing the global scourge of climate change.It is coming hard with biting ramifications that we are feeling from Africa,Europe etc.Hurricanes,flooding,harsh,dry droughts particularly in the horn of Africa.We have to stop plastic pollution,air pollution etc as combined efforts…

Georgia AAZK partnership
This is a great conservation charity organization in the United states that we are partnering with on our BEES FOR ELEPHANTS PROJECT.We are grateful to have them on board and it is promising to be journey of sustainability,conservation -success and…

Climate change and its effects on wildlife.
Climate change is the most significant and far-reaching environmental threat facing humanity today.There is evidence to show that wildlife from the poles to the tropicsis being affected by climate change.Species migrations,extinctions, change in populations,range and seasonal and reproductive behavior are…

Sunflower crop can save elephants
Elephants in Africa and Kenya to be specific are threatened not only by poaching but also Human-wildlife conflict.Encroachment by human beings into land that belonged to wildlife since before has come along with many problems like-depletion of fodder covers,loss of…

The bead of survival
The craftwomanship,skills and unamtached ability to manifest unmatched potential in artistic entrepreneurship has to be nurtured and supported.In an environment and community set-up where diversification of economic activities and livelihoods has to be made a reality-we all need to support…

Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered around simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems. it’s a way of living, farming, and connecting to nature and our community that creates a closed…

Rain water harvesting is a smart way of conservation
The current trend of devastating change in climate is wrecking havoc in the world.Attributed to human activities like massive air pollution,deforestation and the menace of development that is costing us the beauty of our planet.Due to this,it is unarguably important…

5 scary facts about lions you should know
Unless you’ve been hiding under a rock for the last decade, it shouldn’t be news to you that lions, along with approximately 59% of the world’s biggest mammalian carnivore species and 60% of the largest herbivores, are now categorised as…
11 facts that you need two know about a giraffe
The giraffe (Giraffa) is a genus of African even-toed ungulate mammals, the tallest living terrestrial animals and the largest ruminants. The genus currently consists of one species, Giraffa camelopardalis, the type species. Seven other species are extinct, prehistoric species known from fossils.…

11 creepy facts about the hyenas
Underdog of the African bush, the hyena remains one of our favourite of all beasties to spot when on safari. With a lope that just looks like trouble, these bad girls of the bush have garnered a reputation of ill repute, at…